

At Logic Inc, we excel in merging technology with architecture, ensuring our solutions enhance and respect your design vision. Our team works closely with architects, meticulously reviewing and integrating technology that aligns with your plan, avoiding any structural challenges.

Our commitment lies in seamlessly fitting advanced technology into your space, be it a modern home or business. We aim to exceed client expectations, maintaining the integrity of the original design, making every integration an art that complements your architectural masterpiece.

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Interior Designers

Interior Designers

We understand that technology should enhance, not distract from your vision. Depending on the space, we devise solutions that compliment any space decor. Whether you want to showcase or discreetly conceal the technology, we work from behind the scenes in every space to blend our technology seamlessly into your vision. From custom finishes to maintaining sight lines, we’ll partner with you and your team to create beautiful spaces where design comes first.

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Builders & contractors

Builders & contractors

At Logic Inc, our priority is to minimize design complications, project delays, and unexpected costs. By collaborating closely with your team, especially project managers, we aim to deliver the best possible outcome for your client. Our proactive approach involves ensuring that all necessary wiring for control panels and switches is properly planned and executed.

Additionally, we pay careful attention to the allocation of adequate space for the essential 'rack room' or control room. This space is critical for the system's operation, and our expertise ensures it is integrated smoothly into your overall project plan, avoiding any last-minute adjustments or space constraints. With Logic Inc, you can expect a seamless, efficient, and thoroughly planned execution of your project's technological needs.

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